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Future of Knowledge Based AI in Customer Service

Future of Knowledge Based AI in Customer Service

The integration of knowledge based AI into customer service has become an increasingly essential focus for enterprises. AI is more than a passing trend; it is a technical revolution that is changing how businesses connect with their consumers.

Let’s take a look at how knowledge based AI impacts customer service.

Future of Knowledge Based AI in Customer Service

What is knowledge-based AI?

Knowledge based AI is a computer system that uses technological advancements like machine learning and natural language processing to help agents and customers quicken the process of finding solutions to their inquiries from repository data, documents, and other knowledge-base information.

Knowledge based AI has three components:

  • The knowledge base (KB) is a user-friendly self-service portal with detailed information about products. Knowledge bases contain a set of published documentation that includes answers to FAQS, how-to guides, and troubleshooting instructions designed to ease agents’ and customers’ work in finding solutions.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is a cutting-edge development in technology where machines or computer systems imitate human intelligence to carry out tasks. In simpler terms, AI systems copy the way humans think by learning from data. They then utilize this knowledge to offer automated solutions, spot trends and patterns, and even make independent decisions that come with predictions for the future.
  • A user interface is a dynamic bridge of communication facilitating seamless interaction between humans and computers on a device.

Types of content in an AI-powered knowledge base

To come up with the best knowledge base, information has to be compiled from different data sources to suit different audiences and serve different purposes:

  • Structured knowledge content: As the name suggests, this type of knowledge base content is organized in a certain hierarchy of categories and follows a specific formatting system. Some common examples include FAQs, articles, user guides, manuals.
  • Unstructured knowledge content: The content under this category does not have any specific order or formatting style it follows. The information comes from unstructured data and is relayed in a variety of formats to suit a specific purpose. Examples of unstructured knowledge content include customer interactions via social media or emails, discussions on community forums, chat transcripts, etc.
  • Modified knowledge content: Some businesses utilize AI to generate information from different sources, such as conversations. These sources can be analyzed by AI to summarize information either on tickets or articles, translate content to multiple languages, shorten lengthy content, and more. Such information is what we refer to as automated content.

Ways to use AI powered knowledge base

Knowledge based AI can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the efficiency, quality, and overall performance of different business processes. Here’s an in-depth look at how knowledge-based AI can be used for myriad purposes.

Establishing multilingual support

Knowledge based AI can provide multilingual support by translating KB articles into multiple languages.

For Instance, AI can translate a KB article into a preferred language (e.g. English to Czech and vice versa).

In relation to that, knowledge base AI multilingual support eliminates language barriers in customer service, thus improving the efficiency and reliability of the support service.

Encourage self-service
Multilingual Knowledge-based AI

Enhance article SEO rankings

AI can greatly improve article SEO rankings. This is because knowledge based AI works by understanding the meaning, context, and intent behind search keywords and customer search queries.

By understanding keyword and search queries, the knowledge based AI:

  • Autogenerates sitemaps to improve website navigation
  • Optimizes keywords to improve website ranking in search engine results
  • Analyzes competitor data to help you understand your competitors’ strategies and improve your own
  • Predicts what content will attract more traffic to your website based on trends and customer behaviour
  • Provides SEO-friendly article titles and meta descriptions to improve website visibility on search engines
  • Identifies content gaps to provide a more comprehensive and relevant user experience.
Enhance article SEO rankings
SEO Article Concepts

This can lead to improved visibility and higher traffic to your website, thus improving website search impressions.

Simplify knowledge base article content

One of the ways to use knowledge-based artificial intelligence is to simplify your knowledge base articles. Knowledge based AI can help your customers understand a long KB article using predefined tags and strong algorithms to:

Simplify knowledge base article content
Summarizing KB Articles

This can greatly reduce the time agents and customers spend manually processing and understanding KB articles, thus making your customer service quicker, more reliable, and effective.

Deliver professional, error-free articles

AI can also help you deliver professional, error-free KB articles that adhere to a brand’s tone and style guidelines. It can refine KB articles using AI techniques like:

  • Rephrasing: This allows for the professional rewriting of KB articles. It offers the flexibility to rephrase content in standard, fluent, or professional styles.
  • Elaborating: This tool offers the ability to deepen and elaborate on chosen content, making it more detailed. It lets users select the desired tone and size of the content.
  • Shortening: This tool makes the text more concise by removing superfluous words and phrases while keeping the meaning intact.
  • Translating: This tool offers the convenience of translating content directly into various languages.
  • Correcting grammar: This tool helps in correcting grammar errors in knowledge base content.
Deliver professional, error-free articles
AI Assist in KB Articles

This leads to a better understanding of knowledge base articles, thus increasing customer satisfaction.

Encourage self-service

Knowledge-based artificial intelligence can encourage self-service by providing customers with a user interface to search articles that could help them resolve their issues based on their search keywords.

Knowledge-based AI works in self-service by:

  • Analyzing customer query keywords and suggesting the best relating knowledge base article to help them solve their issue.
  • Generating concise summaries of lengthy articles to help customers more quickly understand main knowledge base concepts.
Encourage self-service
Optimized Article Search Options

This can increase customer satisfaction, as customers can resolve their issues quickly without waiting for the support team’s response.

Generate insightful reports and analytics

Finally, AI can analyze frequently asked questions and read articles to provide insightful reports and analytics that can help businesses make informed decisions. The analyzed data can be used to predict future customer needs and improve product features.

Additionally, the analyzed data helps agents identify customers’ frequently asked questions, thus giving agents ideas for new articles.

Why should you power your customer service with knowledge based AI?

Integrating knowledge-based artificial intelligence into your customer service can significantly enhance your customer support level by intermittently improving customer satisfaction.

Knowledge base AI has the capability to handle a vast number of tasks, improving customer service efficiency and fostering customer reliability.

Knowledge-based AI in customer service can also:

  • Offer round-the-clock support
  • Reduce operational expenses
  • Personalize customer interactions for enhanced satisfaction
  • Enable ticket deflection
  • Analyze large sums of data and predict future customer behaviour
  • Assist in onboarding and agent training

How to create an AI Knowledge base

Embarking on the journey of creating an AI knowledge base? Here are some vital pointers to help you craft one that’s not just effective, but also engaging and user-friendly.

Interpret your customers’ desires

The initial and most critical step before creating a knowledge base in AI is to decode your customers’ needs. This process involves identifying the information or questions that your customers frequently ask.

With that in mind, you need to implement strategies such as:

  • Conducting surveys
  • Analyzing customer behavior
  • Incorporating customer feedback

Consequently, this will ensure that your knowledge base AI is tailored to your customers, providing them with valuable and pertinent information.

Establish boundaries and collect relevant data

Having information on customer needs, it’s time to set the boundaries for your knowledge base AI . You need to decide which subjects and topics deserve a spot in the knowledge base and accumulate relevant data and materials to fortify your knowledge base.

Sources such as FAQs, user manuals, and tutorials are great data repositories.

Maintain a uniform structure

Ensuring your AI knowledge base has a uniform structure will simplify navigation. Therefore, you need to have good information structure, easily identifiable categories, and a handy search tool.

The streamlined structure will enable customers to locate their required information, saving time swiftly and efficiently.

Make it simple

Your knowledge base AI should be straightforward and simple to use. Avoid using jargon or advanced terminology that your consumers may not comprehend. Instead, use plain, unambiguous language that everyone can easily understand.

Choose the right AI-powered tool

There are several AI powered knowledge base tools on the market. Therefore, you need to choose one that meets your company’s requirements and budget. Choose a proper tool that contains capabilities that makes it simple to create, modify, and manage knowledge based content.

Implement machine learning

Implement machine learning to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your knowledge base AI . Machine learning algorithms may continuously increase the knowledge base in AI by analyzing user inquiries and behavior.

This includes making tailored suggestions, anticipating client inquiries, and increasing search capabilities.

Top 5 knowledge-based AI software

Leveraging AI in a knowledge base.


BoldDesk as a Knowledge based AI

BoldDesk is customer service software that leverages artificial intelligence in its user-friendly knowledge base software. It integrates an AI copilot for both internal and external knowledge bases, to ensure all users get instant answers to all their inquiries.

With BoldDesk’s generative AI assistant, support teams can easily get automated responses to help them accurately and quickly answer common questions.

BoldDesk’s AI-assisted knowledge base has capabilities such as:

  • AI article summarization and shortening to make it easy for user to understand the gist of an article quickly.
  • Article rephrasing tools to rewrite the content more clearly and simply to suit the target audience.
  • AI-translating to convert articles into multiple languages.
  • SEO-friendly article titles and meta descriptions are suggested.

Pricing: Starts at $25 for 3 users/month

Free trial: 15 Days

Leverage AI in your self-service solutions through BoldDesk’s AI-powered knowledge base today. You can book a live demo, start a free trial, or contact our support team for any inquiries.



Guru has features that enable end-users to get answers instantly to all sorts of inquiries using an AI search tool. Cross-functional teams can create, manage, and share AI-generated information in real-time.

Pricing: Starts at $15/user/month

Free trial: 30 Days


Korra is an AI-powered knowledge management platform that supports all types of content and provides AI answers from different sources of information. It can be customized or rebranded to provide AI chat support for a self-service solution.

Pricing: Starts at $199/month

Free trial: Available



Slite is a collaborative, AI-powered knowledge base that runs on autopilot to ensure end-users can find company information with ease. It uses an AI assistant to generate instant answers, has knowledge management tools and supports documentation of all knowledge types.

Pricing: Starts at $8/month/member

Free trial: 14 Days



With Tettra’s AI-powered assistant, Kai, a company can create and manage its information within an internal knowledge base. Its AI-assisted search engine goes through the company information or assigns an agent the issue to ensure users get instant answers to their questions.

Pricing: Starts at $4/user/month

Free trial: 30 Days

What’s knowledge-based AI all about?

The infusion of AI powered knowledge base into customer service revolutionizes the interface between organizations and their customers, delivering a transformative impact. Now that you know how knowledge base in AI is crucial in your customer service, let’s dive deeper.

We present BoldDesk, a leader in providing AI powered knowledge base solutions for customer service. But don’t just take our word for it; why not give it a try yourself?

BoldDesk offers a free trial for its products that could dramatically boost your customer service efficiency.

This isn’t just about automating responses; it’s about providing up-to-date material, gaining a competitive edge, simplifying training, creating tailored customer experiences, enhancing your decision-making, and significantly reducing human errors.

Curious to learn more about BoldDesk and how its knowledge-based AI can revolutionize your customer service? Request for a live demo. Contact us and rest assured that our team will provide you with complete assistance every step of the way. Transform your customer service with BoldDesk today!

Feel free to leave a comment below, be it a review, a suggestion or inquiry on AI knowledge base!

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