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Customer Follow-Up: Its Importance and Effective Ways to Do It

Customer Follow-Up: Its Importance and Effective Ways to Do It

In today’s competitive business environment, a customer stays with an organization that has a seamless customer follow up strategy. As a result, many businesses lose customers because they don’t stay in touch with them.

Are you aware that while 60% of customers typically decline four times before they agree, 48% of sales representatives don’t bother to follow up even once?

To retain your customers, you must keep in touch with them throughout the shopping process and even after they purchase your product or service, regardless of whether they are having issues with it.

In this blog post, I’ll show you the best customer follow-up strategies to enhance rapport with your customers.

Seamless Customer Follow Up Strategies

What is customer follow up?

Customer follow up is the process of contacting customers after they have purchased your product or service.

The main goal following up is to find out the level of satisfaction among customers about what they purchased.

Customer follow up lets a company understand how to improve its products and services.

Further, following up allows you to better understand customer satisfaction regarding the purchasing process, too.

How to follow up with your customers

You must have a targeted customer follow up strategy to thrive in today’s zero-sum business market.

According to research by Invesp, 75% of consumers shopping online prefer to be contacted by phone 2 to 4 times before a company should cease attempts; meanwhile, a minority of 12 percent are open to a company making unlimited calls until they successfully reach them.

The following are some of the best customer follow up strategies to help you improve your customer relations.

1. Inquire whether customers need aid

Instead of waiting for a problem to arise before contacting a company, customers like it when the company checks in with them first to determine whether there is a problem.

Accordingly, you should email or call customers who have just bought your product and ask if they have any problems getting up and running with it.

As a result, customer loyalty may increase due to this proactive approach to customer care.

Moreover, this approach can aid you in resolving outstanding risks before they escalate into more significant problems.

Question Customers

2. Gather feedback

Another typical follow up action is asking customers to complete a feedback form to evaluate the sales transaction.

The survey can be a straightforward form with a set of predefined answers, or an open-ended worksheet that allows customers to explain their feedback in depth.

Gathering customer feedback

Either way, receiving customer comments can help you keep in touch with them.

Moreover, gathering input can also provide you with recommendations for improving future transactions and products.

3. Offer a special deal

Special deals such as discounts, promotions, or other offers are also one of the key follow up strategies in improving customer relations.

For instance, offering a discount to a new customer based on their earlier purchase increases the likelihood that the customer will purchase again, and sooner than later.

Such offers also increase customer retention. As a result, your customers are more likely to tell friends and colleagues about your product or service, thus increasing your marketing reach.

Special Deal

4. Express genuine enthusiasm

One of the most important strategies in client follow ups is expressing genuine enthusiasm to the client.

A straightforward thank you email expressing gratitude for the customers’ purchase is essential.

Furthermore, appreciating your customers encourages them to remain with your business, helping you increase their lifetime value.

5. Send customers articles that are informative and relevant

Your product’s usage is addressed in considerable detail in your company’s knowledge base.

Certainly, understanding the product more makes it easier to adapt the product to whatever its deployment scenario is.

Therefore, it is essential to send your customers articles or information that will help them use your product in ways they have expressed interest in.

Delivering your customers knowledge base articles and tutorials will help them use your product, thus improving customer satisfaction.

Documents Analytics

6. Plan follow ups effectively

Customers appreciate it when you go beyond what is needed to ensure that their issue is resolved. Most importantly, your follow up conversations with your customers must always have value for them.

Do not keep in touch with your client without effective planning. A bantering one-liner may confuse your customer if it lacks clarity.

Therefore, keep your messages personalized and have a purpose behind them, such as alerting customers about an upgrade or a recently resolved issue.

Consequently, effective planning in your communications and good customer relationships help you protect your company’s reputation.

Proactive ways to follow up with your customer after a sale

Following up with customers proactively after a sale helps maintain customer satisfaction. It shows you care about their experience.

Here are some proactive ways to follow up with customers after a sale:

Send thank-you email or note

Send a customized thank-you email or handwritten note expressing gratitude for their purchase. This simple gesture shows appreciation and leaves a positive impression on the customer.

Provide post-purchase survey

Send a post-purchase survey to gather feedback on the customer’s buying experience. Ask about their satisfaction with the product or service, any issues they encountered, and suggestions for improvement. Use this feedback to enhance the customer experience and address any concerns promptly.

Make follow-up calls

If appropriate for your business, make a follow-up call to check in with the customer shortly after the sale to confirm they’re satisfied with their purchase and address any concerns they may have. This allows you to resolve any issues before they cause frustration.

Provide educational resources

Provide customers with educational resources related to their purchase, such as user guides, tutorials, or tips for maximizing the product’s value. This helps customers get the most out of their purchase and fosters a positive relationship with your brand.

Provide exclusive offers

Offer customers exclusive discounts, promotions, or special offers as a token of appreciation for their purchase. This not only incentivizes repeat business but also makes customers feel valued and appreciated.

Offer product updates or tips

Keep customers informed about updates, upgrades, or new features related to their purchase. Sending regular product updates or tips on how to use the product effectively helps customers stay engaged and reinforces the value of their purchase.

Personalized recommendations

Based on the customer’s purchase history and preferences, offer personalized product recommendations that complement their previous purchase. This shows that you understand their requirements and can assist them to discover relevant products or services.

Implement a customer loyalty program

Invite clients to join your loyalty program or rewards program, where they can earn points, discounts, or other incentives for their purchases. This encourages repeat business and strengthens customer loyalty over time.

Engage on social media

Engage with clients on social media platforms by responding to their comments about their purchases, or featuring their success stories. This builds a sense of community and strengthens the relationship between the customer and your brand.

Customer follow-up email templates

Crafting an effective customer follow-up email can help make sure that your message is received and responded to in a timely manner.

Following are some customer follow-up email templates that can be adapted to various scenarios, along with explanations for their use.

Thank-you email template

A thank-you email is a great way to acknowledge a customer’s business and establish a positive relationship.

It should show appreciation and encourage them to reach out if they have any questions or need help getting started with their new product.

Subject: Thank You for Your Recent Purchase

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase of [product name] from [Your Company]! We’re thrilled to have you as a customer and appreciate you choosing us.

We hope you’re enjoying your new [product name]. If you have any questions or need help getting started, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team at [phone number] or [email address].

We’ve also included some helpful resources below that you might find useful:

  • [Link to product guide]
  • [Link to FAQ page]
  • [Link to video tutorials]

Thank you again for your business!


The [Your Company] Team

Feedback request email template

This template is suitable for requesting feedback from customers shortly after they’ve made a purchase.

It shows that you value their opinion and are committed to enhancing your products or services based on their feedback.

Provide a clear and convenient way for customers to share their thoughts, such as a link to a survey or feedback form.

Subject: Your Feedback Matters: Help Us Improve

Dear [Customer Name],

We’re always striving to enhance our products and services at [Your Company]. We’d love to hear your feedback about your recent purchase of [product name]. Your honest opinion helps us understand what we’re doing well and where we can improve.

Would you mind taking a few minutes to complete this short survey? [link to survey]

Thank you for your valuable time and feedback!


The [Your Company] Team

Follow-up email template for upselling or cross-selling

This template is suitable for reaching out to existing customers with an exclusive offer or promotion aimed at upselling or cross-selling additional products or services.

It acknowledges the customer’s previous purchase and incentivizes them to make another purchase by offering them something exclusive.

Be clear and concise about the offer and provide all necessary details for the customer to take advantage of it.

Subject: Enhance your experience with [complementary product/service]

Dear [Customer Name],

We noticed you recently purchased our [original product name]. We hope you’re enjoying it!

We wanted to let you know about our [product/service] that perfectly complements the [original product name] and can further enhance your experience.

The [complementary product/service] offers [list of benefits relevant to the customer’s purchase].

We believe this would be a valuable addition to your [original product name] and can help you achieve [desired outcome].

If you’re interested in learning more, you can find more information here: [link to product/service page].

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


The [Your Company] Team

Importance of follow up in customer service

Customer follow up is important because it:

Cultivates positive relationships and loyalty

Keeping in touch with your customers after they purchase your product gives them the impression that you are interested in them.

Furthermore, it shows that you are invested in establishing a long-lasting relationship with them instead of merely making a quick transaction.

In a nutshell, an enduring and rewarding business-customer relationship can be kept by holding a follow up call or sending an email from time to time.

Moreover, this fosters rewarding customer relationships and loyalty to your company and encourages future purchases.

Customers are more inclined to stick with a brand if they feel valued and attended to.

Rectifies poor experiences

Even if a sale is closed, the customer may feel unsatisfied. Therefore, following up demonstrates to the client how much you care, and could change their perception of your company.

Consumers naturally seek an authentic experience, and if necessary, they will seek it elsewhere.

Supplies valuable insight

More interaction with a consumer may reveal what they are currently looking for from your business.

By following up, you might find areas for improvement and what a consumer wants to see in your product before they make another purchase.

If the customer has a poor experience with customer service after their purchase, following up gives you the chance to address the source of the issue to salvage your customer satisfaction rating.

Increases customer retention

If you treat your clients like a guarantee, your competitors might win them away.

Consequently, this would have a severe impact on your customer retention rate. Such catastrophes can be prevented with regular follow ups.

By following up through calls or emails, you can find out about your customers’ concerns and complaints and work towards addressing them.

This will show your customers how devoted you are to offering top-notch customer service. Furthermore, it assures them that no problem will go unresolved, thus increasing your company’s customer retention.

Customer Retention


In summary, having a follow up strategy is one of the best tools to improve your company’s customer relationships.

You can improve your customer service by planning an effective follow up routine after any purchase or interaction with a potential customer.

Reviewing your products and features through customer follow-ups empowers you to enhance your products for both current and future customers.

To manage your customer support activities effectively, try using BoldDesk. With it, optimizing your workflow is simple. For more information, contact BoldDesk support or schedule a free trial to give it a try.

If you would like a more comprehensive understanding of BoldDesk’s capabilities and how it can be customized to meet the needs of your business, feel free to contact us to arrange a live demo.

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