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12 Types of Customers and How to Win Them

12 Types of Customers and How to Win Them

We are all customers or have been customers at some point. The experiences may be different, and this is mostly because of our needs, choices, and personalities.

As a customer, there is always a quality that sets you apart from other customers, making it possible to either get the best deals or just average deals. Appealing to different types of customers is the first step to success. Leveraging each type of customer and their qualities leads to growth and success.

This blog will discuss twelve types of customers, their distinguishing qualities, and how you can win each of them. Let’s get started.

12 Types of Customers and How to Win Them

How to identify different types of customers

Recognizing the different types of customers is crucial for any business to customize their services to meet specific customer needs. The following points can be used to identify customer types:

  • Gaining customer feedback: Use surveys, interviews, and reviews for customers to share their opinions, preferences, and levels of satisfaction.
  • Conducting research: Research by collecting data on age, gender, preference, and purchasing power to learn about your different types of customers.
  • Segmentation: Divide your types of customers using demographics, behavior, and geography to identify their motivational features.
  • Social media interaction: Stay active with any information shared in online spaces to gain information on needs for the different types of customers.
  • Use CRM system: By analyzing features such as customer behavior and preferences, it is possible to identify the standards and patterns that will better engage your types of customers.
  • Review customer interactions: To stay in the loop, identify common questions or products shared by your types of customers in their different interactions to determine their needs.

What are the different types of customers?

The key to success in the business world is knowing the types of customers. You can interact with them more by looking into qualities beyond their facial values. Here are some of the various types of customers that you will definitely encounter in your business.

What are the different types of customers?

New customers

A new customer is an individual who buys your product, service, or subscription for the first time. It is natural for new customers to have questions about the brand or product.

What they need:

  • Smooth onboarding: Provide your customers with an outstanding onboarding process as well as exceptional support.
  • 24/7 help: Provide them with fast and reliable assistance on the basic concerns they may have.

How to win them:

  • Proper welcoming: This can be done by sending an email greeting them and thanking them for choosing to purchase your product, service, or subscription.
  • Social proof: Provide your customers with a use case or a story they can easily relate to. This gives the new customer confidence and makes them feel proud of their decision to purchase your product or service.

Impulse customers

These are types of customers who buy products instantaneously. An impulse customer does not spend a lot of time researching the products and mostly buys based on their emotions.

What they need:

  • Fast responses: Make your responses as fast as possible before they change their minds. Use live chat to provide immediate assistance.
  • Minimize obstacles: Clear anything that may distract the customer or waste their time.

How to win them:

  • Transparency: By making the interaction simple and concise, clearly address their concerns on return policies, warranty details for the product, and product use cases.
  • Quick, effective customer support: Make their decision-making process easier by answering their concerns directly. Stick to the most important details, making your response short, fast, and emotion provoking.

Loyal customers

These are customers who make repeated purchases of your products or services and will always be back for more. In most cases, they act as brand advocates for your product through their use cases and referrals.

They are highly knowledgeable about your product or service and will use this to convince others of the benefits of using it. As the gold standard, loyal customers will always expect similar or better services.

What they need:

  • Proper motivation: Use incentives and loyalty reward programs to motivate them to make referrals and remain loyal.
  • Credit their work: Mention them in an article or a case study to provide them with exposure.

How to win them:

  • Excellent customer experience: According to research by Forbes, 73% of customers believe that an a smooth customer experience is key to influencing their loyalty to different brands. By ensuring customer services are standardized and effective, customers are highly likely to remain loyal to your product or service.
  • Be proactive: Ensure that any issue that may lower the standard of the product or service is addressed before it happens. These can be used to improve the quality of the product.

Potential customers

Individuals who are not officially customers because they are yet to make a purchase but have shown a significant interest in the product or service.

These are customers are at the awareness stage and have either subscribed to your newsletter, filled out a contact form, or made an inquiry through their preferred communication channel.

At this stage, they are mainly looking for the X factor that separates your brand from others.

What they need:

  • Constant customer communication: Constantly initiate communication to keep them engaged and ensure your support team is always available to help whenever needed.
  • Good user experience: Make the first impression count by having an appealing website design.

How to win them:

  • Show product value: Ensure that you ask customers questions about their preferred needs. Use demos, use cases, testimonials, customer reviews, and blogs to show the value of your product.
  • Provide information resources: Use your knowledge base articles and FAQs to provide customers with information at their convenience.

Discount customers

They know what they want but are not willing to pay the actual price for the product or service. Instead, they take their time looking for other buyers offering the same product but at a lower price.

Such customers only consider the pricing of the product and are the least loyal. They will normally conduct research to find information about the product and the discount offer, if any.

Research by Capterra shows that up to 86% of online customers will try a new business if they have coupons.

What they need:

  • A subsidized pricing plan: This can be achieved by offering discounted prices on your products or services.
  • Affirmation of value: Assure the customers that despite the discounts, the products are still valuable and worth their while.

How to win them:

  • Explain the deal: Ensure that your discount customers understand the deal clearly. The customer has to feel and understand that regardless of the discount, the product is still top notch, and they can save money as well.
  • Provide added value: To ensure customers stay loyal to your brand, offer them more than the initial value. The added value can be exemplary customer support. Exemplary and consistent customer support makes the product reliable, leading to customer retention and satisfaction.

Need-based customers

These are types of customers who make purchases based on certain needs. Such customers are challenging to convince because they know what they want and where to get it. Once they visit your website, they will only buy the specific product they need and leave.

What they need:

  • Clear information: Provide all the relevant and important information that will inform their decision making.
  • Match their expectations: Ensure the services are quality and live up to their expected standards.

How to win them:

  • Ensure the interaction is positive: Always initiate communication with the customers, and make sure to be engaging and positive.
  • Top-notch customer service: Providing outstanding customer service helps differentiate your brand and product from the competition. Ensure that the customer service team is well trained and equipped with the proper skills to engage the customers positively.

Browsers (wandering customers)

These types of customers are responsible for most of the traffic to your website; however, they have no intention of making a purchase. Despite increasing traffic on your website, they have the lowest percentage of sales revenue.

What they need:

  • Appealing website: Make sure the website is both visually appealing and easy to navigate.
  • Proactive customer support: Always reach out first to users visiting your website to provide them with support when necessary.

How to win them:

  • Clear and engaging content: Provide customers with well-structured and informative content that is clear.
  • Offer discounts: Discounts are attractive gestures that can be used to lure browsers. By offering discounts, such customers will buy your products, leading to engaging customer relations for the long term.

Unhappy customers

Regardless of the business, unhappy customers are an inevitable lot that will always be a part and parcel of customer service. Dealing with them is not the easiest task either, and it requires the best customer support service to solve their problems.

They are either unhappy with your services or are having a bad day. It rests upon you to ensure that the frustrations are met.

What they need:

  • Recognition of the problem: Apologize and address their concerns transparently with valid solutions.
  • Customer follow-up: Confirm whether their problems have been handled appropriately to meet their demands.
Unhappy customers
Unhappy customer

How to win them:

  • Show empathy: The best way to win over an unhappy customer is to stay calm and listen to their concerns. This makes it possible to understand their concern better by being empathetic. Viewing the problem from the customer’s point of view can give you a different perspective on it and therefore tailor support that meets customer demand.
  • Have a plan: Always have a positive and calm approach towards angry customers. Ensure that your support team is well trained and has the appropriate skills to handle them.

Active customers

Types of customers who constantly buy your products or services. They are different from loyal customers because they can easily switch to your competitors if they get a better offer.

What they need:

  • Constant communication: Because of their volatility, they need to be sure that you value their presence.
  • Prompt response to their criticism: Stay on top of any negativity that may come via their criticisms by apologizing and providing the customer with proper solutions to their concerns.

How to win them:

  • Provide quick customer feedback: Don’t wait until their problem worsens, enhance their success by providing quick responses to their concerns.
  • Train your team: Ensure your support team has the proper skills and knowledge for continuous interaction.

Referral customers

Types of customers who learn about your business via recommendations from your loyal customers. They are willing to engage your business because the referral comes from someone they trust.

What they need:

  • Smooth onboarding: Provide a comprehensive and clear onboarding plan that promotes the levels of engagement.

How to win them:

  • Offer dedicated support: Strive to provide your types of customers with readily available support to address their concerns.
  • Include rewards programs: Offer the customers a discount or an incentive for joining your team.

Confused customers

Types of customers who find themselves on your site by mistake. Such customers are highly likely to have questions before and after they buy the product for further clarification.

What they need:

  • Clear explanations: Because they lack information on your business, ensure that you provide transparent and precise information on your products or services.
  • Guaranteed quality: Assure the customers that they have made the best choice engaging your business.

How to win them:

  • Focus on your unique selling point (USP): Point out the key unique features that make your product beneficial compared to your competitors.
  • Readily accessible support: Provide support information across all communication channels for ease of accessibility.
Confused customers
A confused customer

Lapsed customers

These are your previous customers; however, they haven’t interacted with your business for a long time. The reasons for this could be lack of value, switching to competitors, lack of motivation or interest, or changed preferences.

What they need:

  • Reassurance on improved services: Prove to the customers that you have made positive changes to your brand. Assure them of the changes and/or solutions made to the services.
  • Focused reactivation campaign: Create a campaign with incentives meant to win back the customers.

How to win them:

  • Constant communication: Regularly conduct follow-up and use constant reminders to win them back.
  • Utilize reward programs: Provide them with irresistible offers to encourage them to stay.

Acknowledge the needs of your types of customers

By understanding all the types of customers and their needs, it’s simpler to provide standardized products or services that cater to them. Given the competitive nature of the business world, the key is to always make customers happy at the end of the day.

All the different types of customers will have specific needs based on their concerns, preferences, and relationships with the company.

Start your free trial with BoldDesk or schedule a live demo to enhance your customer engagement. You can also contact our support team for more information.

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