What's New   Explore the new updates and features of BoldDesk in our November release. November 2024 product updates

Ticketing System

Ability to Forward Tickets to External Users

Agents can now forward a ticket or a specific ticket message to any agent, customer, or third-party vendor. When a ticket or message is forwarded, a “Forward” activity will be created under the ticket. The person to whom it is forwarded will receive an email.

If the forwarded user is a customer or a third-party vendor, they can’t view the forwarded activity in the portal. They can only view conversations via email. If they reply to an email, their comment will be recorded in the activity, similar to a ticket.

The Forward Ticket activity can also be tracked globally using the Activity module by filtering the type as “forward”. The Forward activity is also actionable. AssigneeDue Date, and status can also be set on this activity for future tracking purposes.

Support for Six New Languages

BoldDesk now supports 13 languages. The following are the six newly added languages in this release.

  • Finnish
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Swedish

The complete list of supported languages can be checked here.

System Field Reordering Option in Ticket Forms

Previously, there were limitations in the ticket form system where certain system fields were fixed and not allowed to be reordered. However, now ticket form fields can be reordered both in the agent and customer portals. For example, if you want the “Category” field to be placed at the top of the form, it can be done.

Enhanced Filter and Export Functionalities with Some New Fields

We have introduced the support for new fields in ticket filters and ticket export options.

  • Two new fields, “Solved On” and “Closed By,” have been added to the Advanced filter option in the Ticket module.
  • In the Excel export option, a new field has been included to export the ticket description as plain text.


Integrating BoldDesk Tickets with Azure DevOps Boards Tasks

The integration of Azure DevOps helps the support team and product engineers collaborate and stay informed about the latest status of work items.

Features include:

  1. Creating a link between existing work items and tickets.
  2. Synchronizing work items like comments, status, and priority with tickets.
  3. Viewing details of Azure DevOps work items like title, type, and status, on the ticket page.

Creating JIRA Tasks Directly from BoldDesk

The feature to create JIRA issues is now available in BoldDesk. This allows you to create JIRA issues directly from BoldDesk and automatically link the respective issues with the tickets. The linked JIRA issue can be viewed on the ticket details page.

Exporting Contacts and Contact Groups

Now, you can export your contacts and contact groups in two file formats: CSV and Excel.  This feature is particularly useful when you want to share specific sets of contacts and contact groups or import them into another application.

Tailor your exported contact and contact group data by selecting the specific fields you want to include, such as name, address, etc. This allows you to create customized exports based on your needs.

Option to show a contact field in the signup form

Provided configuration settings in the Contact Field of the Admin page, allowing the options to select whether to show a field in the signup form or not.

Knowledge Base

Reordering Article Positions

To reorder articles, simply drag and drop the articles to the desired location or specify the order.

You can highlight important articles by changing their order to improve the readability of your articles.

Show or hide the popular article and article in the same category and section

Two options have been added to show or hide the following items in the Customer Portal Knowledge base:

1. Popular articles – In home page

2. Articles in the same category and section – In Article details page.

These options can be found under the Knowledge Base section in the Customer Portal settings, within the Admin page.


Auto-Creation of Approval Requests Using Create Ticket Trigger

You can add approval in a ticket using Create and Update trigger automation.

  1. Create a rule with the Add Approval Request action in create trigger automation.
  2. When the rule matches a specific ticket, it gets triggered, and an approval request will be added to the ticket with the configuration in which the approval action is set.

Refer to the images for the add approval request action in automation.

Reports & Analytics

Custom Field-Based Grouping Support

An option has been included to Group by custom dropdown fields in the Support Traffic and Support Monitoring dashboards.

Option to View Underlying Data Metrics for Contact Dashboard

The ability to view the underlying data in the Contact Performance Dashboard has been added. By clicking on Count, you can view detailed ticket information related to different metrics.

Customer Portal

New Count Widget in Ticket Module

A count widget has been added to the ticket module in the customer portal.

Artificial Intelligence

Unleash the Power of Generative AI in BoldDesk

AI features will soon be available as an add-on, in BoldDesk. AI features will be available only in Enterprise or Business Plan additional add-on. For a limited time, we are offering them for free.

AI features can be enabled or disabled in the Admin module.

The following are Generative AI-based features:

  • Ticket summarization
  • Grammar Correction
  • Rephrase
  • Elaborate
  • Shorten
  • Translate
  • KB article summarization
  • KB article title suggester
  • KB meta description suggested


New Data Centre Support

BoldDesk now supports hosting databases in the India region as well. Previously, only the US and the EU regions were supported.


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