What's New   Explore the new updates and features of BoldDesk in our November release. November 2024 product updates

BoldDesk’s August 2022 updates include ticket sharing, message tagging, linking contacts to tickets, public notes via automation, and more productivity features.

Ticketing system

Share Ticket

You can collaborate with cross-departmental teams by using the share ticket feature. When you share a ticket with a specific agent or group, that agent or group gains full access to that ticket, even if their access was restricted using the roles and permissions.

Consider a ticket created for the accounts team that requires the intervention of the HR team, as an example. This feature helps the accounts team member to share a ticket with the HR team, even if the HR team did not have access to the ticket for internal collaboration.


Message Tagging

Messages and conversations can be tagged in order to be classified and filtered. This feature is only available in the Agent Portal. A conversation report allows you to filter by message tag. This allows you to view consolidated messages that belong to a specific tag.

One of the use is to add tags to meeting notes in a conversation and view all meeting notes activities in one view using the conversation report.


Option to Link Related Contact to Ticket

You can use the Link ticket feature to link related contacts to a ticket for internal reference. These links are not exposed to the end users. Email alerts will not be sent to linked contacts. If email alerts need to be sent, then use the CC feature instead of related contacts.


Quick Preview Contact Details – Ticket Details page

It helps you to view a customer’s profile information without leaving the ticket screen. It also aids in increasing productivity.

Admin & Configuration

Brand Based Templates Customization

Brand-specific email notification and template customization are now supported.


Option to Add Public Notes Via Automation

In the automation action, The Add Public Note option is added. This is useful to have conversations recorded in public messages for automated responses via automation while not affecting the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Custom App for Contact and Contact groups

Custom apps for the contact and contact group module can now be created and integrated. Use a Custom app to integrate any 3rd party contextual data in the app panel of contact and contact group profile pages.custom-app-for-contact-and-contact-group

File Download Settings for allowing anonymous users to download

Additional settings are added to allow file download without requiring a login. This setting is useful when using email-based ticketing. End users do not need to log in to download files from email links. This action is controlled via a setting in the Admin Module->Customer Portal settings. By default, only users with the ability to view tickets can download files.


Advanced Payload Option Webhook

The advanced formatting option allows you to customize and configure a specific payload to a webhook endpoint.

You can change the payload object structure and direct it to your REST API URL. This eliminates the need for another intermediate parser application to receive the payload, transform it, and call the desired REST API.


Satisfaction Survey Settings to Allow Users to Rate Without Login

Satisfaction survey rating links sent via email, now no longer require the user to be logged in for rating a ticket. You can turn off this action by using a setting in the Admin module.



Embeddable Web Widget

Customized web widgets can be created, for example, you can embed a help or feedback widget in any external website, such as WordPress, by adding a small piece of script. A ticket is automatically created when the end-user submits a request via widget.

Embeddable Web Forms

Incorporate a contact or ticket creation web form into an external website, such as WordPress.

You can include a small piece of script on your website’s contact page as an example. A contact us form is automatically generated. When a customer submits a request, a ticket is automatically created.


Rest API Support for Multi-file Upload, Share Ticket, Linking Related Contacts to Ticket, and Attaching Files to a Ticket

Provided new APIs to:

  • Upload multiple files in a ticket at the time of ticket creation or message update.
  • Share ticket feature.
  • Link related contacts to a ticket feature.
  • Attach files to a ticket without linking them to a specific message or notes.
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