BoldDesk + Slack Integration
Connect with Slack and receive notifications in chats and channels.

Why you should integrate Slack with BoldDesk
- Integrate BoldDesk with Slack to centralize customer communications.
- Enhance team collaboration with shared information and tools.
- Streamline ticket management through integration.
- Utilize the combined features of both platforms for improved customer service.
- Set up real-time notifications for immediate response to customer queries.
Create tickets from Slack
- Create a ticket in a Slack channel or chat.
- Requesters can reply on Slack thread.
- Support team can respond via BoldDesk.
Keep up-to-date with live notifications
- Enable real-time alerts for ticket events to stay informed instantly.
- Receive threaded message notifications to keep context within the ticket conversation.
- Easily track ticket status and progress in Slack.
- Notify assignee directly of ticket information.
Two-way sync between Slack and BoldDesk
- Respond to a ticket through the Slack by providing a detailed and professional reply.
- Create a public note on the Slack for all team members to view and reference.
- Add a private note to a ticket within Slack for internal use.
- Modify the attributes of the ticket, such as its priority level and current status.
Customize notifications based on specific criteria
- Enable notification settings customization for individual chats and channels.
- Allow users to filter notifications based on brand affiliation.
- Provide options to receive updates related to specific categories of interest.
- Implement status update alerts to keep users informed on critical updates.
- Ensure the delivery of pertinent information by tailoring notifications to user preferences.
For more information on how to get started with the Slack integration
Start your 15-day free trial with instant access
- No credit card required
- Easy setup