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BoldDesk Gets Smarter: Exciting 2024 AI Updates

Welcome to the future of AI in customer support! BoldDesk is thrilled to unveil a range of AI updates for providing exceptional customer support as we move forward into 2024.

With a commitment to innovation and a focus on meeting the evolving needs of businesses and customers alike, BoldDesk is determined to improve the way companies engage and support their customers.

With rapid technological advancement and increasing customer expectations, the role of artificial intelligence is becoming more prominent across industries.

Recognizing this potential, BoldDesk developers are harnessing the power of AI to drive efficiency, enhance productivity, and elevate the customer experience.

This blog contains the AI updates planned for BoldDesk in 2024. These updates promise to empower support teams with the tools and capabilities needed to thrive in a dynamic and competitive marketplace.

Existing AI features in BoldDesk: a brief overview

2023 witnessed a rush in AI adoption across industries, and BoldDesk didn’t miss a beat. We strategically integrated AI features into our platform to give our customers a competitive edge.

AI Assistance

Our approach merges the best of human expertise with the speed and accuracy of AI.

Here’s an overview of the AI features that were introduced in BoldDesk:

  • Ticket summarization: This feature offers concise summaries of customer interactions, allowing agents to focus on resolutions rather than reading every communication.
  • Error-free communication: Rephrase and grammar-check tools ensure agents craft professional and grammatically correct responses.
  • Multilingual support: Agents can break down language barriers with instant translation capabilities, allowing communication with global customers.
  • Knowledge base efficiency: This feature summarizes long articles in a knowledge base, saving users time and effort.
  • SEO-optimized knowledge base: This feature suggests search-engine-optimized titles and meta descriptions for knowledge base articles, boosting organic traffic.

AI Copilot for Agents

The AI copilot analyzes conversations and suggests relevant knowledge base articles, allowing agents to provide immediate and informed responses, significantly improving chat resolution times.

Prewritten responses or templates are automatically suggested based on customer questions, promoting faster response times and consistent communication.

A sneak peek into the future of BoldDesk in 2024

Get ready to experience a significant leap in customer service! We’re thrilled to announce that a suite of brand-new AI features are on their way.

Imagine BoldDesk not just following your commands, but also understanding what you need before you ask.

It’ll adapt to how you work, making everything smoother and helping you get more done.

Ticket triage with AI

Introducing auto triage, an AI feature that leverages the power of your existing ticket data. Auto triage will learn from past interactions to suggest ticket field values for new tickets.

AI can automatically populate fields like category, priority, or even custom fields based on keywords and past data.

This frees up your agents to focus on what matters most—resolving customer issues efficiently.

AI automation

We’ll be leveraging AI within automation triggers to perform specific actions. For example, this can mean auto-assigning tickets to the most suitable agent based on skillset.

Boosting agent efficiency with intelligent assistance

Below are the updates to boost agent efficiency:

  • Similar ticket suggestions: Say goodbye to wasted time searching for solutions! AI will analyze your support data and recommend similar tickets to the one your agent is currently handling. With past solutions readily available, agents can provide faster resolutions and ensure consistent customer service.
  • AI-powered canned response recommendations: No more scrambling to find the perfect response. AI will intelligently suggest canned responses tailored to the specific user query, allowing agents to deliver swift and accurate solutions.

Enhancing chat support with AI copilot

Below are the anticipated updates for the AI Co-pilot:

  • Customer self-service: We’re empowering your customers as well! Our AI chatbot will be enhanced to answer customer questions directly using knowledge base articles and other data sources. If the chatbot can’t solve an issue, it will seamlessly transfer the chat to a live agent, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted customer experience.
  • Increasing data source access for AI copilot: Currently, the AI copilot searches your knowledge base for answers. In 2024, we’re expanding the data sources it can access. This includes the abilities to integrate external website links and upload files, providing the AI with a richer knowledge pool to deliver even better answers.

The future of customer service is here!

At BoldDesk, we believe AI is here to transform, not replace, the human touch in customer service.

By working hand-in-hand with AI, customer service representatives can deliver a heightened level of support, ensuring a consistently exceptional experience.

Stay tuned throughout 2024 as we roll out these exciting AI updates! We’re confident these advancements will let you get the most out of BoldDesk and experience customer service like never before.

Start a free trial or arrange live demo to explore what you can do with BoldDesk’s AI-powered customer support services. You can also reach out to our support team to find out more about our offerings.

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Kevin Akoyo Aswani

Kevin Aswani is a technical writer at Syncfusion. Passionate about writing and web development. Well versed with SEO techniques, content strategy and technical content documentation.

Kevin Akoyo Aswani
Kevin Aswani is technical writer at Syncfusion. Passionate about writing and web development. Well versed with SEO techniques, content strategy and technical content documentation.

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