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How to merge ticket


The merge ticket feature allows the user to merge one or more tickets into another ticket. This might be useful if more than one ticket about the same issue is created. If a ticket is merged, just 1 ticket can be tracked rather than several tickets.

The following things will happen while merging tickets

  • One of the tickets becomes primary and the other secondary.
  • Either the first or last message of the secondary tickets is updated in the primary ticket, which can be selected during the merge.
  • All the secondary tickets are closed once they are merged if the user selects an option to close.
  • A public note is added to all the secondary tickets with a link to the primary ticket and an email notification is sent.
  • The User can also link the secondary ticket as a related ticket to the primary ticket.
  • The User can also add CCs and requester of the secondary ticket to the primary ticket CC.
  • Only 5 tickets can be merged at a time.
  • Ticket attachments will not be merged.
  • This is an irreversible process. The merged ticket cannot be unmerged.

Checkout this video for more details.

Follow the steps given to merging a ticket

  1. Open the tickets that need to be merged.
  2. Click on the more options and select the Merge Ticket option to open a dialog box.

Ticket menu pop-up.png

  1. Search for the tickets by using the ticket ID or subject. Any tickets other than the current ticket can be searched.

Merge ticket dialog box.png

  1. By default, the ticket from which the merge is initiated is a primary ticket. Users can change the primary tickets by selecting Set as Primary option near the ticket which needs to be set as primary.

Merge ticket dialog box.png

Merge ticket dialog box.png

  1. The following are some additional options available while merging tickets:

    • Option to add CCs from the secondary ticket to the primary ticket.
    • Option to add the requester of the secondary ticket as CC to the primary ticket.
    • Option to add a secondary ticket link to the primary ticket.
    • Option to close the secondary tickets after merging.
    • Option to add either the secondary ticket first message or secondary ticket last message.
  2. After selecting the required tickets, select the Merge option to merge the tickets.

Notes added while merging tickets

After the ticket is merged the following public note message will be added to the ticket:

Primary ticket:

Ticket conversation in primary ticket.png

Secondary ticket:

Ticket conversation in secondary ticket.png

History logs while merging tickets

After the ticket is merged the following histories will be logged in the ticket:

Primary ticket:

History log in primary ticket.png

Secondary ticket:

History log in secondary ticket.png

Additional settings while merging tickets

The following are settings that can be configured while merging tickets:

Merge ticket dialog box.png

Options Explanation
Add the CCs from the secondary ticket to the primary ticket. Enabling this option adds the CCs from secondary tickets to the primary ticket CC.
Add the secondary ticket requester as a CC to the primary ticket. Enabling this option adds the requester of secondary tickets to the primary ticket CC only if the primary ticket requester and secondary ticket requester are different.
Add a secondary ticket link to the primary ticket. Enabling this option adds all the secondary tickets as related tickets for primary tickets.
After the merge, close all secondary tickets. Enabling this option closes all the secondary tickets after merging.
Add secondary ticket’s first message or last message While merging the ticket, users can select either the secondary ticket’s first message or the secondary ticket’s last message to be added to the primary ticket public note.

Permission for merging a ticket

For accessing the Merge ticket feature, an agent should have the Merge tickets permission assigned to his or her role. Refer to this article to know more about Roles and permission.

Manage agents permission.png

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