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How to Use Global Search in Agent Portal


To use the global search, follow the given steps below:

  1. Open the Agent Portal.
  2. Click on Search at the top of each module’s page.


  1. Use the down arrow in the global search tool to search for the following modules:
    Contact Groups
    Knowledge Base


Global search for tickets

To use the global search for tickets, type the ticket ID or any search text in the search tab.


Check out this video for more details.

Note : Global search for tickets provides option to filter based on Brand, Category and Status. You can also search in Messages or Subject or both Messages and Subject

Applying filter based on Brand, Category, and Status

To apply filters based on brand, category, and subject, follow the steps below:

  1. Select multiple Brands for filtering by clicking on the dropdown menu. It also provides support to search the brand from the list of brands available.


  1. Select multiple Categories for filtering by clicking on the dropdown menu. It also provides support to search the required category from the list of categories available.


  1. Select multiple statuses for filtering by clicking on the dropdown menu. It also provides support to search the required status from the list of statuses available.


  1. By selecting the required filter, click the Apply button to apply the filter for searching tickets.


  1. If the filter is applied, then there will be a red dot displayed on the filter icon.


Clearing the filter

You can clear the applied filter by clicking on the Clear button.


Global search for users

Like ticket search, you can search by using the user ID or the name.


Agent and Contact can be displayed in pictures. The agent will be having the brand logo while the contacts will be having alphabetic characters as display pictures.

Users - Agent - Contact.png

Global search for contact groups

Like in ticket search, the contact groups can be searched by using the contact group ID or the name.


Global search for knowledge base

To find a knowledge base article, use the search function located in the search tab.


Note: Global search for knowledge base provides the option to filter based on brand and category. You can also search using the title, description, or both.

Global Search for Activities

Like in ticket search, the activities can be searched by using the type or status.


Advance search

If the global search does not yield the desired result, you have the option to select the View all results to view a complete list of the data or press enter.


Click the View all results option or press enter to display all the search results.


You can also access Global Search with paging by clicking on More > Search.


You can search for different modules by selecting an option on the dropdown menu.


Searching Tickets

Similar to global search we have the option to filter tickets based on Brand, Category, and Status. You can also search for messages or subjects.


Clearing the filter

You can clear the applied filter by clicking the Reset filter button.

Reset Filter.png

Searching users

Similar to searching for a ticket, you have the option to search for a user by using the user ID or name. Search results for both Agents and Contacts will be displayed. The brand logo will appear next to the agent’s name initials, while only the contact’s initials will be shown for the contacts results.


Global search for contact groups

Also, you have the option to search for contact groups using the contact group ID or name.

Contact Group.png

Global search for knowledge base

We also have the option to filter the knowledge base based on brand and category. You can also search using the title, description, or both.


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