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How to Activate, Deactivate or Delete a Ticket Custom Field


Deactivating Custom Field

Custom fields can be deactivated. To deactivate the ticket custom field, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Ticket Fields module.
  2. Click the more option menu and select Deactivate.

Delete Option.png

  1. A confirmation dialog will appear. Click Yes, Deactivate button.

Yes Deactivate Ticket Field Option.png

The following actions will happen when you deactivate the ticket custom field.

  • The custom field mapped to the brand will have its configurations completely removed.
  • When activating the custom field again, the user will need to add the field to the required brand.

Note the following while deactivating a custom field :

  • The system fields cannot be deactivated or deleted.
  • If a field is deactivated, it will not be visible on the create ticket form or the ticket detail properties until it is reactivated.

Activating Ticket Custom Field

Note : The deactivated custom field is shown with the tag Inactive.

To activate the ticket custom field, follow the given steps.

  1. Go to the Ticket Fields module.
  2. Click the more option menu and select Activate.

Activate Option.png

  1. A confirmation dialog will appear. Click Yes, Activate button.

Deleting Ticket Custom Field

To delete the ticket custom field, follow the given steps

  1. Go to the Ticket Fields module.
  2. Click the more option menu and select Delete

Delete Option.png

  1. A confirmation dialog will appear. Click Yes, Delete button

Note the following while deleting a custom field:

  • The ticket custom field will be permanently deleted from the create ticket form and ticket detail properties.
  • The mapped field dependency will be ignored. The mapped field display condition ignores this field condition and only considers the rest of the fields condition, if any.

Permission for activating or deactivate a custom field

To activate or deactivate custom field, you should enable the Manage fields and forms permission.

Manage Field and Forms Permission.png

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