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How to Delete a Ticket


To delete a ticket, two options are available:

  • Soft delete
  • Delete forever

Soft deleting a ticket

For soft-deleting a ticket,

  1. Open a ticket.
  2. Select the Delete Ticket option.



  1. When you soft-delete a ticket, the following actions will happen:

    • The deleted ticket can be restored within 30 days from the Deleted Tickets view.
    • The ticket will be permanently deleted after 30 days from the Deleted Tickets view.
  2. After soft-deleting a ticket, you can perform the following actions:

    • Restore a soft-deleted ticket by using the Restore Ticket option.
    • Delete a ticket permanently forever.

The deleted tickets can be viewed using the Deleted Ticket View from the ticket list page as shown below:


Permanently deleting a ticket

To delete the ticket and all its data permanently:

  1. Click the Delete Forever option.

This option will appear in the ticket only after soft-deleting a ticket.

A ticket deleted permanently using the Delete Forever option cannot be recovered later.


Soft deleting bulk tickets

You can use the “Bulk Delete” option to delete all your tickets in bulk.

  1. Choose the Select All checkbox and click the Delete option as highlighted in the following screenshots.



In the delete dialog, click the Delete button.

  • After clicking the Delete button, the selected tickets will be soft deleted.


You can delete a maximum of 50 tickets in bulk.

Permanently deleting bulk tickets

You can select the deleted tickets and permanently delete them in bulk.

  1. Go to the Deleted Tickets list, select the ticket that you want to permanently delete, and click the Delete Forever option as highlighted in the following screenshots.



Permission required

For deleting a ticket, an agent should enable the Manage ticket deletion checkbox and set Ticket Access Scope to Global, as highlighted in the following image.



After deleting the tickets from your side, the new ticket numbers (Ticket IDs) will resume from where the previous ones left off.

How to set Ticket Page Count to delete a maximum number of tickets at a time?

Go to Personal Settings > General > Set “Ticket Page Count”. Refer to the screenshot below.



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